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Harmony School of Discovery
Students and parents please remember to view the Wednesday mail for school activities, notices, and
important dates. Here are some examples of what is in the Wednesday mail.
Internships Needed or Seniors Class
ESL Summer School for K-1st
Are you a business owner seeking to
invest in the future of HSD’s youth as
well as in your company? Or do you
know of a business owner seeking to
do the same? HSD would like to help
you. We understand that internship
programs are a smart recruitment strategy for business owners-they allow
places of business to nurture their vision and feed their future hiring efforts. Also, internships help students
gain much needed work experience,
knowledge and gain confidence. Certainly, the list goes on. That said,
HSD’s upcoming senior class is looking for internships-both paid and unpaid.
During the month of June, HSD will
be offering a special session of ESL
summer school. Letters for Kindergarten-1st grade students were mailed
out last Wednesday. You should have
received a letter by today. If you think
your child needs to be part of this program and has not received a notification, please email Hilal Zengin at
[email protected]. An evaluation will be made and/or an explanation will be given about this program.
If you did receive a letter, sign and
return the bottom portion of the letter
to the front office.
Parent Volunteer Meeting
The next Parent Volunteer meeting
is scheduled for April 30th. It is not
too late for you to participate! The
end of the school year is quickly
approaching. We will need parents
to help organize activities for the
various classrooms. See you at
8:30am in the large cafeteria!
Buy Your Yearbook Today!
Yearbooks are selling fast! We have
ordered a limited amount of books.
Purchase the yearbook at the front
office for $40 (check only), or go to and click on the
yearbook button.
Use code #11512914
HSD sold out of yearbooks last year.
Don’t wait! Order yours today!