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Funny Moments
By: Walee Khan
We all have our embarrassing and funny moments
whether it’s with our family, friends or with our coworkers. Just like every other person teachers have
had their moments whether it’s at Harmony School of
Discovery or at a previous job. Teachers remember
some of their past events.
Kathy Mccullough - I got to school one day and a colleague passed me in the hall and she said, “nice shoes
Mrs. McCullough”. I thought....what a nice person.
Once I got to my room and sat down I noticed I had on
two completely different shoes. Thank heavens no one
else noticed, YAY.
Stephen Pachica - In nursing school, sometimes I
would have to put on a full body suit if I had to care for
an extremely sick patient. Needless to say I showered
when I got home. Every time.
Amanda Saunders - Currently a 4 Grade Science and
Social Studies teacher who loves to photo bomb fellow
teachers such as
Millie Mackey and Daniel Bui.
Ali Arikan - I was teaching in another country and every
year the graduating senior class would receive high
scores on their finals. The school couldn’t figure out
how this kept happening. It occurred for a couple of
years. Somehow they were