HRM 590 help Minds Online/ HRM 590 help Minds Online/ | Page 5
Complete the KSA (knowledge, skills, abilities) Statement template
posted in Doc Sharing. You will take each Task Statement and identify
the KSA needed for each task. This helps determine the level and
required job skills.
Job Description
From the Task and KSA Statement templates, write a viable job
description with the following sections:
Job Summary Essential Job Functions Required Knowledge, Skills, and
Abilities Education, Experience, Certifications, and Licenses
Environmental Factors and Conditions/Physical Requirements
Equipment and Tools Utilized
Literature Review
Find three scholarly sources that validate your job analysis process.
Provide a summary of your articles in 2–3 pages following proper
writing style and formatting as described in Best Practices below. Be
sure to properly cite and reference your sources. There should be no
copied material in any section of this assignment
Paper Mechanics
Follow Guidelines and Best Practices sections.