HRM 546 help Minds Online/ HRM 546 help Minds Online/ | Page 8
Use a minimum of two in-text citation sources within the presentation,
in addition to the two laws and one legal case required above, and
identify them in your APA correctly formatted References page.
HRM 546 Week 3 Religious Discrimination and Racial
Harassment Marshawn DeMur (1 Paper and 1 PPT)
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This Tutorial contains 1 Paper and 1 Presentation
HRM 546 Week 3 Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment
Marshawn DeMur
Reference: Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment: What Ever
Happened to MarShawn DeMur?
Discuss the MarShawn DeMur case as a team.
Research legal cases on religious discrimination and racial harassment
using online law libraries of your choice.
Write a 750- to 1000-word paper, written in the third person voice, and
address the following questions: