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HRM 420 Week 2 Quiz For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
HRM 420 Week 3 Assignment Employee Selection Process ( 2 Papers ) For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

HRM 420 Week 2 Quiz For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

HRM 420 Week 2 Quiz -----------------------------------------------------------------------

HRM 420 Week 3 Assignment Employee Selection Process ( 2 Papers ) For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
Read Case 10.2 . Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in Microsoft ® Word in the third person voice in which you analyze the case by addressing the following :
· What federal laws were violated according to the case ? Explain how they were violated and why .
· Defend against or support the decision to promote the plaintiff .