HPAC Young Writers Review Volume I | Page 22

someone else has the car. Here in the Bronx, public transportation to wherever I need to go. I image people yelling in the night and occasional fights. People with attitudes that might scare outsiders. Homeless men on the street asking for money for drugs or alcohol. Even though it is amazing to see open fields and space, but, where are all the people? People who could be in all that space, playing. In the countryside, I see clouds passing by, counting the seconds, minutes, and hours that go by. Time mocks me and questions why I moved. There’s nothing to do when there is free time. The countryside may be relaxing but I’ll miss the people who give me comfort in my own hometown. I have to drive miles to get to a friend’s house which takes time, gas and energy. The place I live now, my neighborhood provides comfort and things to do. The place I live in is special and I could not imagine myself anywhere else.