HPAC Scholar's Day 2019 Force-For-Health-Teams-Comprehensive-Toolkit-versi | Page 2

2 Learn it, Live it, Share it! (What it means to be a club member) Learn it!  Acquire knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions o Each club member should take a health risk assessment to determine individual wellness goals as well as areas of club-wide interest. o Hold club meetings as a way to learn about healthier living. Implement discussions, games, competitions, creative projects, and lessons from subject matter experts in regular club meetings. o Complete the wellness tracker on the student health force website Live it!  Put what you’ve learned into practice o By completing the assessments above and learning about your community needs you can then live a healthier life for yourself and be more aware of your community. o You could start a force for health club in your own community o You could also share pictures and videos to the force for health website to share the healthy decisions you have made in your life. Share it!  Influence others; be a role model o By completing the first two steps: learn it, and live it, you are now able to share your knowledge with others around you. o You can use the force for health website to post blogs about what you have learned and what you are doing in your community. These are the 3 steps to follow in order to become a force for health in your community. To be an active club member you need to know how to first make healthy decisions for yourself and know the steps you need to take to live a healthier lifestyle. Then you need to be able to share what you have learned with others as well as be a role model.