How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 128

How To Sell Your Home For More
Identifying and eliminating marketing obstacles

How To Sell Your Home For More

Identifying and eliminating marketing obstacles

I love going to shopping malls . Everything is primed and ready to create a retail experience . Shoppers are lured by polished marble floors . Windows gleam with colourful eye-catching displays . Soft music is playing . The air temperature is perfect . There is a lovely scent I can ’ t quite identify and just like a casino , there are no clocks to tell you what the time is . Retailers are experts at creating the ultimate buying experience . This is a haven of happy shopping where we come to hunt and gather . Everything is co-ordinated for maximum effect : Color , light , sound and smell . Why should selling our home be any different ? Don ’ t we want to create a residential nirvana where buyers are impressed and motivated to own what we ’ re offering ?
Let ’ s apply some lessons from the Mall example and eliminate some basic obstacles to impress every buyer who walks through your door . Making your agent ’ s job easier will result in selling for more .


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