A COMPREHENSIVE & PRACTICAL GUIDE ON HOW TO START CASSAVA FARMING & PROCESSING BUSINESS By: Micheal B. O. 4. Adopt suitable planting mode: In order to get the best sprouting and growth from cassava stem cuttings, it is important to plant them properly. Cassava stem cuttings may be planted vertically, at an angle, or horizontally. When planted vertically, the storage roots develop deeper in the soil, more closely together, and are more difficult to harvest by pulling. Vertical planting is best in sandy soils. In such soils, plant stem cuttings vertically with 2/3 of the length of the cutting below the soil. When planted horizontally, the storage roots develop more closely to the surface and are more likely to be exposed and attacked by rodent and birds. Also, in horizontal planting several weak stems develop from the stem cutting. Horizontal planting, however, has the advantage of killing insect and mite pests which occur on the surface of stem cuttings. In loamy soil it is probably best to plant at an angle. The spacing between plants will depend on whether you are growing cassava alone (sole crop) or with other crops (intercropping). If cassava is being grown alone, plant 1 meter apart from each other. If cassava is being grown as an intercrop, consider the branching habit of both the cassava and the other crops and make sure there is enough space for the plants. You should also make sure there is enough space for you to work between the plants during weeding and other activities. SUMMARY • • • • • • To select a good site for a cassava farm, look for an area with dense vegetation cover, good soil texture, fertile soils, and flat or gently sloping land; also examine the field history to plan for plant protection measures. Improve the soil by manuring, mulching, and intercropping to encourage cassava plants to grow vigorously and offset damage by cassava diseases. To select good cassava varieties for planting, look for varieties with high dry matter, good mealiness, good ground storability and which are well adapted to your area; the variety should also bulk early and be easy to process. To select healthy cassava stem cuttings, choose healthy cassava plants as sources of planting materials; use stem cuttings taken from the middle, brown portions of the stem and free of stem-borne pests and diseases. To prepare cassava stem cuttings for planting, cut each stem cutting to a length of at least 20–25 cm; use stem cuttings with about 5–8 nodes; treat stem cuttings slightly infested with stem-borne pests by immersing them in heated water for 5– 10 minutes, dipping them into a dilute pesticide solution, or by planting them horizontally. To plant cassava stem cuttings properly consider the type of soil; prepare ridges and mounds in areas where soil gets waterlogged; use minimum tillage in sandy soil; plant cassava stem cuttings vertically in sandy soil; plant cassava stem cuttings at an angle in loamy soil; plant cassava stem cuttings 1 meter apart from each other in sole cropping; and in cassava intercrops make sure there is enough space for the plants. Hotlines: 09090040011, 09031617999. 30. E-mail: [email protected]