The important factors to consider when planting cassava are time of year , land tillage methods , seedbed type and preparation , and preparation , handling , and planting mode of stem cuttings .
1 . Select suitable planting dates : You should try to plant cassava early , at the beginning of the rainy season . This ensures healthy sprouting and good crop establishment which helps the plant to better withstand damage by dry season pests like the cassava green mite , cassava mealybug , and termites . Late planting at the end of wet season exposes the crop to severe damage by these pests as the dry season progresses . However , planting date recommendations should fit within local farming calendars and farmers ’ choice of crops to enhance their adoption .
2 . Use suitable land and seedbed preparation methods : In cassava cultivation , land is usually tilled to loosen up the soil , improve soil drainage , make it easy for roots to develop , and promote healthier storage root development . Mounds and ridges are commonly made to gather top soil material for cassava root development , limit prolonged contact between the storage roots and stagnant water , and protect storage roots from rodentand bird pests . The soil texture at the site you select for cassava cultivation will be an important factor in determining the level of tillage and type of seedbeds required for your cassava farm . In deep loamy soils , tillage may be essential but it does not matter which seedbed type is adopted and cassava can be planted on the flat , mounds , or ridges .
However , if the loamy soil is shallow and cassava is planted on the flat , the storage roots will quickly reach hard ground or rocks giving poor yields . In sandy soils , minimum tillage and planting cassava on the flat are appropriate because the soil is sufficiently loose to allow for faster drainage and normal storage root development . At sites where the sandy soil gets waterlogged , it is however better to make ridges or mounds than to plant on the flat . In clayey and poorly drained soils , tillage and planting of cassava on mounds or ridges are also essential to limit the effects of waterlogging .
3 . Prepare and handle stem cuttings properly : When cutting up cassava stems into stem cuttings for planting , make sure each cutting is at least 20 – 25 cm long and has about 5 – 8 nodes . You should handle cuttings carefully during transportation to prevent bruises and damage to the nodes . This can be done by packing them on cushions of dry leaves . Sometimes , when planting material is slightly infested with cassava green mites , cassava mealybugs , and other stem-borne pests , the stem cuttings can be treated by immersing them in heated water for 5 – 10 minutes just before planting . This treatment will kill pests on the surface of the cuttings . You can prepare their application methods and how to avoid personal and environmental hazards associated with their use .
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