How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 46

pages, as long as you provide solid, valuable informat ion.) Finding Your Niche When t rying t o figure out which niche t o go aft er, t he quest ions you want t o ask yourself are... What do I love t o do t he most ? What am I most passionat e about in life? What subject s do I have st rong emot ional feeling t owards? What am I nat urally good at or have an inst inct for? (Provided it 's somet hing you enjoy doing!) If I were t o wake up in t he morning and choose t o do one t hing, what would t hat be? What would express my creat ive int ent ion and bring out t he best in me while doing it ? How can I benefit myself and ot hers if I were t o express my creat ive int ent ion? To some, t he answers may come very easily. And for some of us, it may require a lit t le bit of soul-searching and self-discovery t o get t here. If you're having a hard t ime finding t he answers, just get your mind going in t hat general direct ion by pondering on t he above quest ions, especially before you go t o bed at night (and unt il you fall asleep.) The power of focus is such t hat it will get your mind working in t he background (while you're sleeping) t o bring t he answers t o you. For now, you can simply st art by asking... "What are my favorit e hobbies, int erest s, act ivit ies, et c." Or... 46