14 . T he Simple System For Finding A Killer Product And Identifying A Hot Niche !
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Creating your own products is not difficult . However , it does take a little time to get it done , create a sales letter for it , work on the site , test it out , etc .
Since you may be short on time ( and money ), one method you can use is to start by looking for existing products that you could acquire resell rights to or become an affiliat e of .
You can go to www . clickbank . com and browse through their Marketplace for a product you can affiliate with . I like clickbank because they automatically ( and instantly ) transfer your commissions into your account . You don ' t have to depend on the product owner ' s schedule to receive timely commissions . And , you can become an affiliate of all of their products at no charge .
You could also go t o www . google . com ( or even Yahoo ) and search for sit es selling recipes , recipe books , cookbooks , et c . and look for sit es you could affiliat e wit h . It would be to your advantage to work with sites / products that offer a generous commission ( at least 50 %.)
Tip : As you look through these sites , pay attention to how professional the sites look , how convincing the sales letter is , and also how soon after the sale they send out commissions . If you personally feel good about t he sit e , see some great t est imonials , and feel that you would want to do business with that company , you ' ve probably found a good business to affiliate with .
( Let me also point out here that if you do have some experience with creating your own
products , feel free to do so . It doesn ' t have to contain 100 pages . It can be only a few 45