How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 43

You collect t he payment s from t he merchant s’ client s and send payment s t o t he merchant s and affiliat es on a predet ermined t ime frame. You charge a fee for your services. That ’s basically it . That ’s t he basic idea of how t his business works. Of course, it is not t hat easy in real life. You will face compet it ion, but t he good t hing about it is t hat you don’t have t o creat e t he product s and you don’t have t o advert ise t hem eit her. You act like t he bank and int ermediary bet ween affiliat es and merchant s. 14.Become an e-books wholesaler. You can also purchase e-books in wholesale quant it ies and sell t hem all over t he Int ernet . A package of e-books may cost you a few dollars and you can sell t hem over and over again. Some people writ e e-books and offer mast er resale right s on t hose books. This means t hat not only you can resell t he books but also let your client s sell t hem t o t heir client s and on and on. The reason some aut hors do t his is because t hey want t o get maximum exposure for ot her product s t hat t hey are selling or for t he affiliat e links t hat t hey included wit hin t hose e-books. Then you can get a package of t hose e-books and soft ware wit h mast er resell right s and sell it t o ot her people. This way you do not have t o creat e your own product s. You make a small invest ment once and profit many t imes. 15.Sell host ing and memberships. This business can provide residual income for you. When you sell host ing you are basically selling a space on a server t o webmast ers. This provides a good source of revenues because many webmast ers st ay subscribed wit h t he same host ing company for many mont hs or years. They pay a mont hly fee and as long as t hey st ay subscribed you keep receiving profit s. 43