How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 42

regulations about this business in your local jurisdiction . But I certainly believe that this can be another good source of revenues on the Internet .
11 . Aut osurf for profit s .
Autosurf programs has spread all over the Internet lately . The idea is as follows . You pay a company some money to receive website visitors . The company send you visitors and give you the opportunity to surf other members websites as well . If you surf other members websites you can get paid a percentage of the amount you paid on a predet ermined t ime frame , let ’ s say weekly .
For example , you pay the company $ 100 . The company promises to pay you back 15 % weekly if you surf 15 websites per day . Then you click on a link every day and the websites rotate on your browser for a set amount of time ( e . g .: 15 seconds ). Then you close your browser and go do something else . At the end of that week you will have $ 115 on your account . The more you invest the more you make .
Many autosurf programs are scams . They do not provide a legitimate service to their users . Others are very effective . I specially like the ones that require the users to manually surf the websites . This way I make sure that a real visitor is visiting my pages and not a machine .
12 . Start an affiliates network company .
If you start an affiliate network company you will be the intermediary between the merchants and the affiliates . You can also offer the merchants a payment processing system and allow them to use that tool to collect payments from their clients .
Your main focus on this business is not to create products nor to advertise products . You mostly act like a bank . The merchant join your company to sell products using your services and to get affiliates . The affiliates join to be able to sell the products on the program and receive commissions . The merchant s offer t he commissions t hey are willing to pay and take care of their customers .