How to Coach Yourself and Others How To Perform On The Job Coaching | Page 17
Build an appreciative and developmental view of the organisation's current and aspirational culture
There is nothing worse than being told: 'You need to become a coaching culture.' In several
organisations, we have worked with people drawn from across the functions and hierarchy of the
organisation to elicit the positive aspects of the current culture, as well as what is not working and
what needs to be developed.
Consult with your leaders
It is true to say that leaders often get the culture they behave, rather than the culture they want to
see. Ask your leaders across the organisation: How can you be the culture you want to see? This
builds a hunger for coaching so that the process is demand-led, rather than pushed on people from
Develop a select community of appropriate external coaches
These coaches should not only be accredited, supervised and experienced, but also fit well with the
organisation and be challenging enough to help senior leaders achieve the change needed. This
community needs to come together regularly to update them on the organisation and to gather
lessons learned from the various coaching conversations while protecting appropriate
It is important to ensure that the coaching is not just for individuals but for teams and departments.
Culture resides more in the collective relationships than it does in individuals. Individual
development will not by itself shift the culture.
Build an internal coaching capability
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