How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 118

13. For the next 100 days make it a point to feed your mind with the thoughts, words, and images that are most consistent with who you want to be, what you want to have, and what you want to achieve. Finances 14. Create a spending plan (also known as a budget). Track every cent that you spend for the next 100 days to make sure that you’re sticking to your spending plan. 15. Scour the internet for frugality tips, choose ten of the tips that you find, and apply them for the next 100 days. Here are some possibilities: • • • • • • Go to the grocery store with cash and a calculator instead of using your debit card. Take inventory before going to the grocery store to avoid buying repeat items. Scale back the cable. Ask yourself if you really need a landline telephone. Consolidate errands into one trip to save on gas. Keep track of how much money you save over the next 100 days by applying these tips. 16. For the next 100 days, pay for everything with paper money and keep any change that you receive. Then, put all of your change in a jar and see how much money you can accumulate in 100 days. 17. Don’t buy anything that you don’t absolutely need for 100 days. Use any money you save by doing this to do one of the following: • • • Pay down your debt, if you have any. Put it toward your six month emergency fund. Start setting aside money to invest. 8. Set an hour aside every day for the next 100 days to devote to creating one source of passive income. Time Management 19. For the next 100 days, take a notebook with you everywhere in order to keep your mind decluttered. Record everything, so that it’s safely stored in one place—out of your head—where you can decide what to do with it later. Include things such as the following: • • • Ideas for writing assignments. Appointment dates. To Do list items 20. Track how you spend your time for 5 days. Use the information that you gather in order to create a time budget: the percentage of your time that you want to devote to each activity that you engage in on a regular basis. This can include things such as: • • • • Transportation Housework Leisure Income-Generating Activities 113