How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 114

TOP SEVEN STRATEGIES TO BECOME THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO By lee kariuki / adapted by Dean Amory Today in life we are constantly faced with challenges: “do this, do that, try this, try that …” Believe me, the road to success and happiness is not to follow everything that everyone tells you to do! First thing you should do, is take back control of your own life. You are an individual person, with a unique identity. Your Road to success and happiness is the road that You will build, not the ones others built for you. Here are 7 important tips that I use on a consistent basis that have never failed me and I know they won't fail you either if you follow them with a precision! 1. FIND OUT WHAT YOU LIKE TO DO! We have heard this repeated over and over and over: Life is beautiful! Life is abundance! Life is happiness! 6