How to Coach Yourself and Others From Dependency to Inter Dependency | Page 9

How to go about writing your creed: The core of your mission statement is what is changeless, what is always going to be there: your guiding principles, vision and values. Through the powers of imagination, you can visualize Where you want to be 5 years from now Your 25th and/or 50th anniversary Your retirement from your present occupation Your own funeral And ask yourself: What contributions and achievements will you want to have made What further plans will you have What kind of relationships do you want to have created How you would live if you had only 6 more months to live It is important to write down positive, personal, visual and emotional present-time affirmations. E.G.: It is deeply satisfying (emo) that I (personal) respond (present time) with love, wisdom, firmness and self-control (positive) when XXXX want me to / misbehave / gossip / …. This allows you to visualize the situations described in rich detail see yourself handle these situations and thus be well prepared to face them next time they happen. E.G.: a sales presentation: by the time you get into the situation, it isn’t foreign anymore: you experienced it before you actually did it, it does not scare you anymore -> you began with the end in mind. How to give structure and organized direction to your personal mission IDENTIFY YOUR ROLE AREAS AND ROLES You may find that your creed or mission statement will be much more balanced and much easier to work with if you break it down into the specific role areas of your life and the goals you want to accomplish in each area. Think: What am I about in this area? Which values should guide me? What is important to me? After you identify your various roles, then you can think about the Long Term Goals and plans you make, that support the principles in your mission statement. Think: What areas do you want to focus on in the (near) future? Focus primarily on results rather than activities. Results identify where you want to be and, in the process, help you determine where you are. They give you important information on how to get there and tell you when you have arrived. Translate results into daily activities so that you are proactive and in charge of your life. Remember: Without Involvement, There Is No Commitment!