How to Coach Yourself and Others Empowering Coaching And Crisis Interventions | Page 8
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Therapists, Counsellors, Coaches, Lifeline Volunteers, Recovery Coaches, Crisis Intervention Operators, ...
every day, many people provide support to other people that are passing through a diffult phase in their lifes or
are affected by crisis, disaster or other critical events, such as loss or serious illnesses, depression, burn out,
living in isolation or being stigmatised, ...
Although everybody concerned with responding to human suffering, will find many useful techniques in this
manual, the main purpose of the guide is to help lay counsellors, relatives and friends of people in need to
discover empowering techniques to support the people around them that find themselves afflicted by crisis.
The shoulder and ear of a friend or a lifeline volunteer, the psychosocial support they provide, should never
replace professional counselling where this is needed and one of the responsibilities of anybody assisting people
in need without having a professional mental health background or formal degree in counselling, is to refer the
people who turn to them for support and advice to qualified officials, when this is deemed useful or required.
Yet, not all people affected by crisis need or want professional help, and even though at times the intervention
of a professional counselor or therapist will be absolutely necessary for the individual seeking help, at other
times the input of a peer: a fellow journeyer or trusted friend or relative, will suffice to make the difference and
help the person affected by crisis to get back on his feet. Also, to all the people that are going F