How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 244

 COMMUNICATION SKILL-BUILDING TECHNIQUES More often than not, it's a family's communication patterns and styles that lead to conflict and division. Communication patterns and processes are often major factors in preventing healthy family functioning. Faulty communication methods and systems are readily observed within one or two family sessions. A variety of techniques can be implemented to focus directly on communication skill building between a couple or between family members. Communication techniques are used to build skills that allow for effective communication between family members.Listening techniques including restatement of content, reflection of feelings, taking turns expressing feelings, and nonjudgmental brainstorming are some of the methods utilized in communication skill building. 1. REFLECTING involves having a member express her feelings and concerns, then having another member repeat back what he heard that person say. 2. REPEATING techniques involves having a member state how he feels, while another member repeats back what was said. Repeating and reflecting techniques allow members to better understand where the other is coming from