How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 223

Middle Sessions Checklist for Therapists Now you are nearing the end of the middle sessions of therapy: ￿ Have you continued to engage the family in the work together? ￿ Have you addressed problems in working together as they have arisen? ￿ Have you developed a circular description of the interactions and difficulties with which the family are struggling? ￿ Are you developing a clear idea about the strengths and resources the family are drawing upon? ￿ Are you working with the family to generate new solutions for the issues they are bringing? ￿ Have you begun to explore the family’s beliefs and ideas about the interactions and relationships in their family? ￿ Has there begun to be a shift in the interactions in which the family are engaged? ￿ Have you challenged the family’s beliefs about the issues that they are discussing? ￿ Have you worked with the family to open up new stories/explanations about the difficulties they are experiencing? ￿ Have you worked to reframe the difficulties or struggles that the family are experiencing? ￿ Have you introduced distance between the family and the difficulties or tried to externalise the difficulties? ￿ Have you tried to amplify the successes and change that the family achieved? ￿ Are you working with the family to try and increase the sense of mastery and control they feel they have over the difficulties? ￿ Have you reconsidered with the family if they are achieving change in the way they had hoped? ￿ Have you written to the referrer to inform them of the progress of therapy?  Appendix IV. 223