How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 292
V. Bowen Family Systems Therapy - Outline by Jared Warren
A. Sketches of leading figures
1. Murray Bowen
2. Philip Guerin
3. Thomas Fogarty
4. Betty Carter
5. Monica McGoldrick
6 Edwin Friedman
7. Michael Kerr
8. James Framo
B. Theoretical formulations
1. Differentiation of self
2. Triangles
3. Nuclear family emotional process
4. Family projection process
5. Multigenerational transmission process
6. Sibling position
7. Emotional cut-off
8. Societal emotional process
C. Normal family development
1. All families lie on continuum from emotional fusion to differentiation
2. Optimal family development: good differentiation, low anxiety, parents in good emotional
contact with families of origin
3. Fogarty elaborates 12 characteristics of well - adjusted families in "systems concepts and the
dimensions of self’ (1976)
4. Hallmark of well adjusted person is rational objectivity and individuality
5. Carter and mcgoldrick elaborated the family life cycle
a. Leaving home
b. Joining of families through marriage
c. Families with young children
d. Adolescence
e. Launching children and moving on
f. Families in later life
6. First - order change vs. Second - order change