How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 291
5. From cybernetics to structure
a. Haley - coalitions
b. Structural concept of families - subsystems with boundaries
c. Basic premise - chance structural context, change individual
d. Minuchin - cartographer of family structure
6. Satir’s humanizing effect - look at nurturance instead of control
7. Bowen and differentiation of self
a. Undifferentiated family ego mass
b. Differentiation of self
c. Multigenerational transmission process
8. Family life cycle
B. Enduring concepts and methods
1. Interconnectedness
2. Sequences of interaction
a. Triangles
b. Circular sequences
c. Indirect communication
3. Family structure
4. Function of the symptom
5. Circumventing resistance
6. The non pathological view of people
7. Family of origin
8. Focussing on solutions
9. Changing a family’s narrative
10. The influence of culture