How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 40
2.7. How to recognize manipulation for the purpose of
domination or control
Manipulators attempt to project an attractive and irrexistible image of superior natural and/or
supernatural skills, abilities and accomplishments.
Some of the used techniques are easily recognized and will be described more in detail further in this
(1) Projection of guilt upon others by:
(a) Correction
(b) Criticism
(c) Fault finding
(d) Disapproval
(e) Condemnation
(f) Confrontation
(g) Ignoring an individuals existence
(h) Circulating malicious opinions
(i) Non-acceptance into their clique
(j) Blame
(2) Statements in the form of questions or analogies designed to put others on the defensive.
(3) Not initiating closure
When problems surface in a personal relationship, regardless of who is responsible for the problem,
they will not attempt to solve the problem, but depend on the unresolved tension to cause the other
party to contact them first to resolve the issue.
(4) Establishing uncertainty of the past, present or future to build insecurity in a person and dependence
upon the practitioner’s abilities and information by:
(a) Altering true information
(b) Withholding true information
(c) Issuing false information
(d) Using big names as information sources
(5) Illegally assuming authority without responsibility, by:
(a) Outright claims that they have the official sanction of those in charge
(b) Implied claims they have the official sanction of those in charge
(c) Manipulating, maneuvering and motivating others to think, feel and choose the way the
practitioner wants them to
(d) “Spiritual” revelations
(e) Physical authority—violence, temper tantrums, force, sex, drugs, etc.
(f) Rebelling against established authority
(6) Illegally attempting to assume responsibility without authority.