How to Coach Yourself and Others Better Coaching Through Visualisation | Page 22

feel that it is difficult or even impossible to formulate a picture in your head of your desires when you don't have a clue. The Key to Unlocking Your Dreams Visualization This lock and key visualization exercise can be used whenever you don't have anything specific you'd like focus on. Imagine a key and a lock in your mind. Think of the lock as the place where all your dreams are hidden from view. Consider the key as a tool for unlocking your dreams. Simply visualize both the key and the lock side by side, then as you deepen your visualization imagine that the key is in your hand with you preparing to insert the key into the keyho le. Visualize unlocking the lock with a turn of the key. That's it. Continue practicing this simple key visualization routinely. The exercise of visualizing "unlocking" the lock over and over again will help you become a pro at the art of visualization. Overtime, you can begin adding additional elements into your visualization. You could incorporate a light beam, doorway, or pathway to help show you the way. Later on try transforming the lock into a treasure chest filled with golden coins and precious gems, or a trunk with beautiful wedding gown tucked inside, or try unlocking a roll top desk with a rolled college diploma stashed into a cubbyhole. 2. Reducing Stress Stress is a huge problem for so many people. We are overwhelmed on a daily basis because of having too many responsibilities. So many tasks to tend to and hardly any rest for the weary. Purging or releasing visualizations are intended to tackle those stresses head on and squash them like bugs. It is important to make de-stressing a priority exercise. 22