3 . You vacuum too quickly
Take your time . Vacuuming slowly will allow your machine to suck up more dirt and dust , and ultimately get your rugs and carpets much cleaner . Slow vacuuming allows the brush to agitate the carpet properly and suck up the unclean bits that emerge .
4 . You don ' t use the crevice tool on the room ' s edges
At least twice a month , use the vacuum ' s crevice tool on the edges of the room — even if it ' s hardwood . This is I Dream Of Clean ' s number-one vacuuming tip — she says that failing to do so can make " dust and dirt accumulate over the years making it nearly impossible to clean the edges of your carpet ."
5 . You don ' t adjust the height
Make sure to adjust your vacuum ' s height as you move from carpet to rug to hardwood ! Some vacuums do this automatically , but if yours doesn ' t , make sure to take the time to make the appropriate adjustments . It will make a huge difference in the cleanliness of your home ' s different surfaces .
6 . You wait for your carpet to look dirty
Don ' t wait until you can see the dust to start cleaning . Dirt can pile up underneath the fibers at the bottom of the rug long before you notice it , causing sniffles and allergies to flare . Set a regular vacuuming schedule and stick to it — even if you don ' t think it ' s necessary .
7 . You don ' t dust beforehand
Unsurprisingly , dusting causes ... dust , and a lot of it misses your dusting rag and falls to the floor . If you dust after vacuuming , your carpets and rugs will be immediately be replenished with a thin layer of dust , making all of your hard work moot .
There you go . You can now make an informed choice today as you buy your newest vacuum cleaner . We hope this was quite helpful . You can check out more reviews here : www . coolhomeessentials . wordpress . com
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