How to choose the best vacuum cleaner in less than 5 minutes? How to choose the best vacuum cleaner in less than | Page 9

Proper vacuuming is the easiest and most effective way to keep your carpet clean . Regular vacuuming can also have the largest impact on the air you breathe .
To get the most out of your vacuuming regime , remember these few easy tips :
� A quick once-over doesn ’ t do much . Slow and steady does the trick .
� When vacuuming , don ’ t ignore those corners and crevices where dust builds .
� “ Top-down ” cleaning saves you the step of vacuuming again after dusting . Dust blinds , windowsills , and furniture surfaces first and then vacuum away any fallen dust .
� Remember to replace or empty vacuum bags when they are half to twothirds full .
How Often Should You Vacuum ?
As a rule of thumb , you should vacuum at least once a week with a quality vacuum cleaner . However , the more foot traffic over your carpet , the more you need to vacuum . The general formula is :
� Vacuum daily in high-traffic or pet areas .
� Vacuum twice weekly in medium-traffic areas .
� Vacuum weekly in light-traffic areas , using attachments at carpet edges .
Common Mistakes You Make Vacuuming Make sure you ' re vacuuming correctly ! Here are seven mistakes you might be making .
1 . You don ' t vacuum in both directions
If you only vacuum in one direction , you ' re not removing all of the dirt and dust . Some of it can hide under carpet fibers , and vacuuming in both directions — north and south , and east and west — will ensure you get every last speck of dust out of your carpet .
2 . You let your vacuum bag fill up completely
Bagged vacuums work best half-full , at most . The Vacuum & Sewing Dealer ' s Trade Association recommends always emptying your bags once they ' re halfway full — more than that , and they ' ll lose efficiency . On that note , never reuse your vacuum bags . That can cut efficiency by up to 50 percent .
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