How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 10

Chapter 2 Principal Themes and Structure 1. Chief themes Love, Money and Career, Health 2. Interesting minor themes Travel, (literally and figuratively: ‘evolution’, ‘change’.) Ambitions (hopes and dreams) Education 3. Elements of the reading Character Facts and Events (of past and present) Prediction (of future) 4. Subjects in cold reading (List Robert Nelson) 1. Present time 2. Personal magnetism, charm, control over others 3. Investments, partnerships, employment, change in affairs 4. Best friends, obstacles in pathway 5. Age Of life, ambitions, plans, dreams, retirement, sickness, accidents, …. 6. Ennemies that bear watching; undecided state of mind 7. Psychic powers, premonitions, judgment of nature 8. Love, marriage, money conditions 9. Warnings 10. Vacation, trips, travels 11. Surprises, fortunate days, dates, months, years 12. Causes of unfavourable affairs, changes and results People love a little mystery, romance and intrigues and like to know about themselves and the future 6