Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 49
When you are safe, call the Collin College
Police Department at 972.578.5555 or
If you cannot leave the area safely, DENY entry to
the active shooter by:
Locking doors.
Turning off lights.
Silencing cellphones and other electronics.
Staying away from doors and windows.
Remaining in place until the “all clear” is
given by authorities.
If you cannot AVOID or DENY entry to the active
shooter, DEFEND your location by:
Using physical force and any weapons
available (e.g., furniture).
Being aggressive, loud, and sure of your
Committing to your plan of action.
When the police arrive:
Show them your empty hands.
Follow all instructions and do what they
tell you at once.
Know that they will not stop to assist the
injured. Paramedics and other medical
personal will be dispatched to assist the
injured once it is safe to do so.
Criminal Activity Procedures
The following information can also be found on the
Collin College Police Department’s website
Call the Collin College Police Department
at 972.578.5555, and give the dispatcher
your name, the location of the incident,
and the type of activity.
Give a phone number where you can be
contacted for further information.
Dial 911 if instructed by the Collin College
Police Department.
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
Do not attempt to interfere with the
activity, except in the case of self-defense
or self-preservation.
Fire and Evacuation Procedures
Fire exits are posted on each floor of the apartment
buildings. If an alarm is activated, students should
leave the building in a timely manner by the
marked exits, unless otherwise instructed, and
move as far away from the building as possible.
Upon receiving verbal authorization from the
director of student housing operations or designee
or emergency personnel student residents should
return to their apartments quickly and quietly. If
there are questions, ask the director of student
housing operations or designee or emergency
Fire Exit Routes
Student residents should become familiar with the
exit routes for their rooms, apartments, and
buildings. Periodic fire drills will be conducted, and
student residents are required to participate if
present. Evacuation is absolutely required when a
fire alarm goes off.
Fire Prevention: Hazards and Flammables
In the event a Collin College Student Housing
student resident witnesses smoke or fire, he or she
should call 9-1-1 immediately.
Fire can cause significant damage and threaten
human life. The role student residents play in
campus safety is extremely vital. Listed below are
suggestions to help prevent fires:
Turn off and unplug all non-essential
appliances immediately after use,
including such items as curling irons, hot
pots, and irons.
Remain in the room when any electrical
appliance is in use.
The use of combustible decorations,
chemicals, and objects with open flames
(e.g., candles, canned cooking fuel, coal
burning devices, incense, potpourri, etc.) is
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