Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 48

1080 AM, KRLD 93.3 FM, KLIF 95.3 FM, KHYI 96.7 FM, KTCK 99.5 FM, KPLX 103.7 FM, KVIL 107.5 FM, KMVK 1310 AM, KTCK 94.9 FM, KLTY 96.3 FM, KSCS 98.7 FM, KLUV 100.3 FM, KJKK 105.3 FM, KRLD KDFW Channel 4 KTXA Channel 21 KTVT Channel 11 WFAA Channel 8 KXAS Channel 5 Television Stations Emergency Procedures Any student resident who requires special assistance in the event of an emergency or evacuation should notify the director of student housing operations or designee. If there is an on-campus emergency, immediately contact the Collin College Police Department at 972.578.5555 or extension 5555 from any campus phone to reach the officer on duty. If it is a life-threatening medical emergency, go to the nearest phone and dial 911, then contact the Collin College Police Department at 972.578.5555 or extension 5555 from any campus phone. Collin College Student Housing residents should immediately report security issues to the director of student housing operations or designee at 972.881.5151. For more detailed information on emergency procedures, go to the Collin College Police Department’s website www.collin.edu/campuspoli ce/. Active Shooter Procedures Collin College developed a video to illustrate how to react in the event of an active shooting on campus. Collin College’s active shooter training video can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvI-aMm5Q So&feature=youtu.be. 2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook The following information can also be found on the Collin College Police Department’s website www.collin.edu/campuspolice/. 1. 2. 3. 4. Call the Collin College Police Department at 972.578.5555, and give the dispatcher your name, the location of the incident, and the type of activity. Give a phone number where you can be contacted for further information. Dial 911 if instructed by the Collin College Police Department. Do not attempt to interfere with the activity, except in the case of self-defense or self-preservation. If the active shooter is NOT in your building, you should LOCKDOWN: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lock doors if possible. Barricade doors with anything you can find (e.g., chair, couch, desk, cabinet, etc.). Turn off all lights and other electronics. Silence cell phones. If it is safe to do so, place a note in an exterior window with the number of people in the room. One (1) person should call the Collin College Police Department at 972.578.5555 or 911 and let the dispatcher know your location. Wait until the “all clear” is given by authorities. If you witness an active shooter, AVOID, DENY, and DEFEND. AVOID the situation if it is safe and an exit is available: 1. 2. 3. If you are in an area that is not affected, stay where you are and lock the room you are in or make it safe. If you can leave the affected area, do so quickly and quietly. Get others to follow if possible. Page 39