Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 39
14. student organizations,
15. student organization offices (Frisco
Campus, McKinney Campus, and Spring
Plano Campus), and
16. New Student Orientation.
Student residents will not sublet any or all parts of
their housing or otherwise allow any person to
share or occupy their units. Failure to abide by this
policy will result in eviction, notification to the
Collin College Police Department to have any
individual(s) removed for trespassing, and may
lead to disciplinary action through the Dean of
Students Office, in accordance with the current
Student Code of Conduct.
Apartments are wired for telephone service.
Student residents wanting phone service must
contract with a local telephone company to
establish service and make arrangements to be
present for installation. Roommates should discuss
and agree upon splitting and payment of telephone
bills. Collin College is not responsible for repair to
telephone lines in the apartments. Student
residents should be aware and fully informed of the
telephone services they obtain.
Television, Cable, and Satellite
A color TV is available in the common area at Collin
College Student Housing. Individual apartments
are wired for cable services. Student Residents
wanting cable services must contract with a local
cable company to establish service and make
arrangements to be present for installation.
Roommates should discuss and agree upon
splitting and payment of cable bills. Individual
satellite systems are prohibited. Collin College
Student Housing will not get involved with any
unpaid cable bill amongst roommates.
Theft or illegal possession of property is subject to
disciplinary action through the Dean of Students
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
Office, in accordance with the current Student Code
of Conduct. If a student resident is the victim of
theft, he or she should contact the director of
student housing operations and also file a report
with the Collin College Police Department within
12 hours. To file a report with the Collin College
Police Department, call 972.578.5555.
Threatening Behavior, Violence, and Abuse
Any conduct that endangers the health or safety of
another individual, including, but not limited to,
physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation,
harassment, and coercion is prohibited and will not
be tolerated. Stalking and conduct directed at a
specific individual that would cause a reasonable
person to feel fear of bodily harm or an offense
against property is also prohibited and will not be
tolerated. Conduct that threatens the health and
safety of any person may result in fines and
possible termination of a student resident’s
housing contract and privileges, disciplinary action
through the Dean of Students Office, and possible
legal action. Student residents are responsible for
reporting abuse to the director of student housing
operations or designee, Dean of Students Office,
Collin College Police Department, and/or another
appropriate Collin College authority.
If a student resident becomes aware of a threat of
violence, he or she should immediately notify the
Collin College Police Department at 972.578.5555
or call 9-1-1 immediately. In the event of a
threatening situation, student residents should do
the following:
Maintain awareness of the situation and
Be prepared to take appropriate action if a
threat presents itself.
Evacuate the area, whether inside or
outside a building, if it is safe to do so.
Seek shelter in a nearby building if the
threat is outside a campus building.
If a threat presents itself, seek cover and
barricade yourself and others by placing as
much material as possible between you
and the threat.
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