Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 34

Student residents may not wash their vehicles or perform any mechanical repairs or vehicle maintenance while on Collin College Student Housing or Collin College premises. Motorcycles and Scooters All fuel-operated vehicles, including motorcycles and motorized scooters, may be parked only in designated areas and must be properly registered. Due to safety concerns, it is prohibited to store such vehicles inside the apartments, on patios or balconies, stairwells, landings, breezeways, and walkways. Any of these vehicles found in or around the premises, beyond the designated areas, may be cited, towed, and impounded at the owner’s expense. Patios and Balconies Student residents must keep their patios and balconies neat and clean. These areas may not be used for the storage of automobile tires, firewood, other unsightly heavy items, or to dry clothes. No furniture may be placed on any patio or balcony. Pursuant to City of Plano Fire Code, the use and storage of any outdoor cooking grill is prohibited on the patios and balconies. No unsecured plants are permitted on the ledges or protruding from the railings. Motorbikes and mopeds are not allowed. Smoking or using any tobacco product or electronic smoking device and the disposal of tobacco is prohibited everywhere on Collin College property, including Collin College Student Housing apartment patios and balconies. Payments for Student Housing All housing charges associated with assignment in Collin College Student Housing must be paid in accordance with all published guidelines. Student residents who fail to meet their rental payment obligations under the Collin College Student Housing Lease Agreement will be considered delinquent, and all remedies under state law will be authorized. Delinquent accounts will be referred to the Bursar’s Office for additional procedures which could involve enrollment and 2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook graduation holds and immediate cancellation of the student resident’s Collin College Student Housing Lease Agreement. Personal Property Collin College assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to personal property as a result of theft, fire, vandalism, or maintenance failure. Each student resident is encouraged to carry personal property insurance or be covered under his or her parent’s homeowner’s insurance policy. Collin College is not responsible for personal property left after check-out has concluded. Collin College will not store personal possessions, except as described under the “Abandoned Property” section in this handbook. Commercial storage is available in the surrounding cities. Pest Control Collin College Student Housing contracts with a nationwide commercial vendor for pest control service. Collin College Student Housing facilities receive extermination services on a monthly basis and the entire property is treated quarterly, with additional services scheduled as needed. Interior extermination service is offered at no cost to the student residents, who will be notified before their buildings, apartments, and rooms are treated. After most pest control services, it is common to see an increased amount of insect activity, as the specially formulated applications disrupt nesting and hiding sites. Student residents should report any pest control issue to the director of student housing operations or designee as soon as possible. Pets Collin College Student Housing does not allow pets of any kind and also does not allow student residents to board or care for (i.e., “pet sitting”) other individuals’ pets on property. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals are allowed. The student resident should notify the director of housing operations if he or she has a service animal. Exceptions to the pets policy must be approved by the director of student housing operations. Page 25