Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 33

7. Clean all mirrors, ceiling fans, and light fixtures. 8. Clean all windows and blinds. 9. Return all apartment and mail keys. 10. Complete move-out documentation at the Collin College Leasing Office. These guidelines are intended to aid student residents in preparing for the final inspection by the director of student housing operations or designee. Some items listed below may not apply to a given student resident’s situation. Completion of the following items will greatly reduce the likelihood of move-out charges being assessed. If there are any additional concerns, contact the director of student housing operations or designee prior to the move-out inspection. Failure to remove all personal items or clean properly may result in move-out charges, as defined in the Collin College Student Housing Lease Agreement. Bathrooms Thoroughly clean the floors, sinks, shower/tubs, and toilet fixtures. Flooring Sweep and mop all vinyl and tile flooring. DO NOT USE WAX on any flooring. Clean and remove dust from baseboards throughout the apartment. Vacuum carpets thoroughly. It is not necessary to have the carpets shampooed. However, if the carpet is heavily stained and has wax or gum imbedded in the fibers, the student resident(s) may want to schedule a professional carpet cleaning. Contact the director of student housing operations or designee for a list of suggested carpet cleaners. Units which only have regular wear and tear will not be assessed a carpet cleaning fee. Special instructions may be given at the time of pre- inspection regarding additional carpet care. Kitchen Thoroughly clean all appliances and cabinets. Clean all countertops and sinks. 2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook Walls and Doors Remove any scuffmarks, crayon, food, and other debris from the walls. Do not attempt to fill or patch nail holes. Door moldings and knobs should be clean and free of dust. Windows Thoroughly wipe all windows and window coverings (this includes blinds, windows, and screens), removing all dust, marks, and streaks. In addition, remove dirt and debris from window tracks and locks. Parking Vehicles must display a valid Collin College parking sticker in the designated place (i.e., lower left-hand corner of the rear windshield). All surface (street) parking is unassigned, unless otherwise specified by signage. Do not idle or park in fire lanes. Do not park in a “Reserved,” “Visitor,” or “Handicapped” parking space unless eligible. Tickets will be issued and fines must be paid. Cars not eligible to park in these spaces may be towed, at the owner’s expense. When entering or leaving the Collin College Student Housing community, student residents are required to operate their vehicles at a speed not to exceed 20 miles per hour. Observe all traffic and parking signs, as the streets throughout the community are accessible to the public and emergency vehicles. Traffic enforcement throughout the Collin College Student Housing community is managed by the Collin College Police Department. In compliance with the Texas Education Code 51.207 (b), Collin College has procedures for enforcing State of Texas vehicle inspection laws for vehicles parking or driving on campus. Boats, campers, commercial vehicles, moving trucks, recreational vehicles, storage units, trailers, and 18-wheelers may not remain on Collin College Student Housing or Collin College property, except for purposes of loading and unloading. Page 24