Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 29
Resident students and their guests are requested to
refrain from loitering outside the apartments after
visitation hours have ended. See the Guests and
Visitation Hours section in this handbook for more
information. Outside and inside stairwells are off
limits at all times. Stairwell, parking lot, and
walkway lights must be lighted at night for safety.
Lost and Found
If a student resident loses or finds something at
Collin College Student Housing, he or she should
contact the director of student housing operations
or designee and leave the item(s) in his or her care.
Lost and found items will be held a minimum of one
(1) month.
Student Engagement is the lost and found
headquarters at the Frisco Campus, McKinney
Campus, and Plano Campus. At the Courtyard
Center (CYC) in Plano, contact the Admissions
Office for lost and found items. The Student
Services Center coordinates lost and found items at
the Collin Higher Education Center (CHEC) in
McKinney. Collin College staff coordinates lost and
found at the Allen Center, Public Safety Training
Center (PSTC) in McKinney, and Rockwall Burton
Loud Noise and Music
Engaging in disorderly, lewd, indecent,
inappropriate, loud, or obscene conduct or
behavior that interferes with the orderly
functioning of Collin College Student Housing or an
individual’s pursuit of an education will not be
permitted at any time. This includes, but is not
limited to, stereos, amplified sound in outdoor
areas, televisions, musical instruments, slamming
doors and windows, running up and down stairs,
sounding vehicle horns, and yelling. Student
residents are not to place stereo speakers in
windows or otherwise amplify sound from
windows to the outside. The use of stereos and
other amplified sound in common areas, including
the pool area and recreational areas, must be
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
approved by the director of student housing
operations or designee.
Student residents are expected to maintain an
atmosphere conducive to studying, especially in
the evenings. At all times, student residents and
their guests must be considerate of their neighbors’
right to the quiet enjoyment of their homes.
Student residents are responsible for their guests’
behavior. Student residents should be aware of
other residents’ sensitivity to noise at all times.
Consideration of sleep and study times should be
observed, especially with regard to noise (e.g.,
music, TV, screaming, etc.). Loud music must not be
played during Quiet Hours. Volume on music
played from cars parked near apartments should
be low. Any noise that can be heard outside a
student resident’s room or which disturbs others is
considered a violation of Quiet Hours. See the
“Quiet Hours” section in this handbook for more
After two (2) warnings about loud music, loud
noise, excessive volume on stereo or computer
equipment, and/or boisterous behavior, a student
resident’s use of the equipment that contributes to
the loud noise may be restricted for a set time, as
determined by the director of student housing
operations or designee. Continued offenses may
require that the equipment be removed from the
premises for the remainder of the semester.
Additionally, violations of the loud noise and music
policy may be reported to the Dean of Students
Office for appropriate disciplinary action, in
accordance with the current Student Code of
Mail and Package Delivery
Mail and packages will be available for pickup at
the Collin College Student Housing Office. Mail will
be posted once each day, Monday through
Saturday, in the mailboxes at the mail center.
Outgoing mail may be placed in the dedicated box
at the mail center.
Once a package is received on a student resident’s
behalf, he or she will receive a package notification
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