Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 24
Personal Hazing Offense
A person commits an offense if the person:
engages in hazing;
solicits, encourages, directs, aids, or
attempts to aid another in engaging in
recklessly permits hazing to occur; or
has firsthand knowledge of the planning of
a specific hazing incident involving a
student at Collin College, or has firsthand
knowledge that a specific hazing incident
has occurred, and knowingly fails to report
that knowledge in writing to the dean of
students or other appropriate Collin
College official.
Organization Hazing Offense
An organization commits an offense if the
condones or encourages hazing; or
if an officer or any combination of
members, pledges, or alumni of the
organization commits or assists in the
commission of hazing.
Hazing Report
Not later than the 14 th day before the first (1 st ) class
day of each fall and spring semester, the Dean of
Students Office will distribute to each student
enrolled at Collin College a summary of the hazing
provisions and an electronic link to a copy of the
report on hazing committed on or off campus by an
organization registered with or recognized by
Collin College. The report will include information
regarding each disciplinary action taken by Collin
College against an organization for hazing and each
conviction of hazing under Section 37.153, Texas
Higher Education Code by an organization during
the three (3) years preceding the date on which the
report is issued or updated, including:
the name of the organization disciplined or
the date on which the incident occurred or
2019-2020 Collin College Resident Handbook
the citation was issued, if applicable;
the date on which Collin College’s
investigation into the incident, if any, was
a general description:
a. of the incident;
b. the violations of Collin College’s
Student Code of Conduct or the
criminal charges, as applicable;
c. the findings of Collin College or the
court; and
d. any sanctions imposed by Collin
College, or any fines imposed by the
court, on the organization; and
the date on which Collin College’s
disciplinary process was resolved or on
which the conviction became final.
To view Collin College’s most recent hazing report,
contact the Dean of Students Office at
972.881.5604, email [email protected], or go to
Health and Safety Checks
Clean apartments prevent and control pests and
can stop the spread of illnesses and other types of
problems. Health and safety checks are done on a
random basis by the director of student housing
operations or designee throughout each semester.
Unsanitary living conditions will be documented
and may result in disciplinary action and/or a
monetary fine.
Student residents are expected to keep their rooms
clean and orderly. Student residents should not
leave trash in hallways, laundry rooms, stairwells,
or outside their apartments. Dirty clothes should
be kept in appropriate laundry containers.
Failure to comply with warnings concerning poor
room and living conditions may result in the
student resident being asked to vacate student
housing or not being permitted to return in future
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