HotelsMag September 2015 | Page 25

F & B : Great Hotel restaurants

What makes a


Great Hotel


THiS YEAr ’ S HOnOrEES WErE cHOSEn bASEd On THE fOLLOWing criTEriA : for signature dishes from this year ’ s great Hotel restaurants , visit hotelsm . ag / 2015greatHotelrestaurants
Operated by a hotel ( of any size and with or without a brand ) or with minimal assistance from a consultant or celebrity chef Meets its intent ( if it is called a steakhouse , it must not be all-Italian )
Busy , with outside as well as in-house diners “ Suitable ” ( a bistro should not try to be Michelin three-star establishment ) welcome , service , food , drink , décor , lighting and noise level
Great overall ambience and experience Value for the price A viable investment concern Prompts diners to return Winners from the past three years not eligible

88 Sushi Bento Bar

Andaz Xintiandi , Shanghai
Average dinner check : US $ 81 Menu focus : Modern , high-end sushi , sashimi and bento Signature dishes : Sushi items including gravlax , scallops and grilled beef ; a
bento box for lunch featuring a two-tier wooden box served on a custom tray Standout design features : Japanese design firm Tofu Inc . designed 88 Sushi Bento Bar to embody the spirit of Japan .
Located in the steel cocoon above Andaz Lounge , the restaurant features two striking paintings — “ Crane ,” which represents good luck and happiness , and a depiction of the Jin Li fish , which
represents success . What makes it great : 88 Sushi Bento Bar combines cool and clever design , exquisite food and amazing attention to detail to seamlessly deliver a great experience .
Executive chef : Takayuki Takeda
Year opened : 2015 Meals served :
Lunch and dinner Seats : 43
www . hotelsmag . com September 2015 HOTELS 23