HotelsMag October 2014 | Page 10

tony Potter
Jason Potter
reignwood to london
keys to Facebook engagement


Hyatt sao paolo empHasizes empatHy
clover ’ s growtH 14
tHe gostelow report
on Hotelsmag . com 18
HOTELS ’ network of global bloggers weighs in on the following burning question : What are the most significant ways guest needs and demands will change over the next five years ?
Peter Joehnk
“ Our remit as interior designers will expand so that we become ‘ virtual reality stylists ’ who create a range of scenes that guests can
To read Peter Joehnk ’ s regular blog , visit http :// hotelsm . ag / 1n6kwYT
select from to personalize the environment projected within their hotel rooms . These could include predetermined backdrops such as a Louis XVI , Art Deco or lush forest panorama , or even guests ’ personal favorite places projected from their own mobile devices .”
— Peter Joehnk , PrinciPal , Joi-Design , hamburg , germany
keith kefgen
“ As more and more workers are remote and mobile , the hotel and hotel room will be more of a remote office . More one-on-one meetings
To read Keith Kefgen ’ s regular blog , visit
http :// hotelsm . ag / 1w5sxXz
will happen on property . Hotel operators need to support and cater to this type of businessperson . Having meeting rooms and Internet won ’ t be enough . Technology needs to be offered that maximizes productivity , and it needs to be free of charge .”
— keith kefgen , managing Director anD ceo , aethos consulting grouP , new york city
tony Potter
Jason Potter
“ Technology will continue to be the driver and catalyst , but the big influence will be how the customer communicates ,
To read Tony and Jason Potter ’ s regular books , talks blog , visit http :// hotelsm . ag / 1qmWYA2 and feeds back to the operation . This will lead to customers being far more demanding regarding their needs and , therefore , less tolerant when their needs are not met . Whilst some may argue this is no real difference , the issue will be the degree to which this becomes relevant and develops with technology driving change and how we do things . The consumer will almost write the standards of operation .”
— tony anD Jason Potter , co-founDers , braveagle , malta
8 HOTELS October2014 www . hotelsmag . com