HotelsMag March 2015 | Page 55

“ Our level Of investment is applicable tO HOw mucH return we get . We definitely have people in multiple divisions really focused on it , and we have an agency that helps us out as well .”
Technology : Search engine OptimizatiOn , marketing

Hoteliers say

the process of Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is as vital today as ever for driving online bookings , and it ’ s likely to remain a crucial component of e-marketing for the foreseeable future . With search engines still directing hordes of hotel guests to travel booking sites and mobile browsing on the rise , working to ensure a company ’ s page pops up at the top of search results is a commitment of time and resources that hoteliers are still more than eager to make .
Experts say although SEO ’ s importance hasn ’ t waned , the fine points of the process change all the time as search engines evolve . The days of simply buying higher link placement and loading sites with keywords are long gone , according to sources . SEO strategies are growing increasingly nuanced in the face of evershifting platforms and algorithms .
“ Search still remains of integral importance ,” says Anchalika Kijkanakorn , managing director of AHMS Hotels , a small hotel owner and management company based in Bangkok . “ Search is not a one-off , and there are no shortcuts ; constant observation , adjustments and time are needed . It ’ s one of those things that does not give you immediate results , but if you are prepared to weather the storm , it is definitely worth it .”
Making the commitment As a result of SEO ’ s ongoing importance , hoteliers both large and small are actively employing new strategies , whether it ’ s through a large internal e-marketing department or an outsourced firm . For global players like Hilton Worldwide and Starwood Hotels & Resorts , a sizable number of corporate employees spend their days keeping multiple company brands at the forefront of search results .
“ This year we ’ ll be doubling our SEO headcount across our global division , given the diversity of platforms ,” says Julie Atkinson , senior vice president of global digital for Starwood . “ Our level of investment is applicable to how much return we get . We definitely have people in multiple divisions really focused on it , and we have an agency that helps us out as well .”
Meanwhile , hotel companies operating outside of the larger brand platforms are putting just as much , if not more , emphasis on SEO since these companies ’ websites don ’ t have the built-in brand recognition of a Hilton . com or Marriott . com . Sources at Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants say search engine referrals are the primary driver for online bookings because of this factor , and therefore Kimpton puts considerable ongoing emphasis on SEO .
“ Kimpton has always recognized the importance and value of investing in SEO ,” says Lisa Demoney , senior director of digital marketing and media for Kimpton . “ We were a digital marketing leader in the hotel industry in the early 2000s with optimized websites for each property , unlike other brands that chose to roll everything up to one corporate site .
“ Kimpton traditionally hasn ’ t had the same level of brand recognition that Marriott and other global brands have , and this strategy successfully enabled the hotels and restaurants to gain traction and visibility in search within their local markets ,” Demoney says . “ The history we ’ ve built with search engines continues to serve us well .”
Others would agree with that sentiment . Hotel companies are seeing upwards of 50 % of their online bookings originating from a combination of paid and organic search , according to those interviewed for this article . While the amount of contribution may vary somewhat depending on the company in question , sources agree it is a meaty piece of the online pie , no matter how you slice it .
“ We see 50 % to 75 % of our Web traffic originating from search , depending on the destination and market source ,” explains Riko van Santen , vice president of digital strategy , loyalty & distribution for Kempinski Hotels . “ SEO still is a reliable method of having a search engine presence consistently and at relatively low cost . It ’ s an important long-term strategy .”
Shifting strategies Although the importance of search engines — and consequently , SEO — remains a constant , the underlying procedures for SEO are changing all the time . For one , Google is perpetually changing its search algorithms and SEO experts are thus constantly tweaking sites to shift with Google ’ s modifications .
“ Our level Of investment is applicable tO HOw mucH return we get . We definitely have people in multiple divisions really focused on it , and we have an agency that helps us out as well .”
– Julie Atkinson
www . hotelsmag . com March 2015 HOTELS 51