HotelsMag January-February 2021 | Page 21



Some hotels are hiring no differently than they were in “ normal ” times . Typically , they are giving priority to bringing back furloughed employees , but aside from that they haven ’ t really changed the definition of a good hire .

“ The industry is changing economically because of COVID , but the functions are still the same ,” says Scott Webb , president of Kolter Hospitality . The Florida-based developer and management company operated its assets with skeleton crews last year but by late fall had rehired many furloughed workers and was recruiting for a new AC by Marriott in Orlando . “ We still need housemen , housekeeping , cooks , front desk clerks . Now it ’ s just about finding a balance of quality people .”
Others are considering candidates through a different lens .
‘ PROBLEM SOLVERS ’ “ We are looking for associates who are hungry to learn , able to shift gears and adapt to the needs of our guests and we specifically home in on individuals who are versatile and prepared to pivot roles as needed ,” says Agnelo Fernandes , chief strategy officer and executive vice president of Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes , California . “ We specifically look for creative problem solvers with a great sense of social intelligence ,” he adds .
Debra Punke , senior vice president of human capital and communications at North Carolina-based Concord Hospitality , says the pandemic has increased efficiency and the importance of cross-functional roles . As a result , “ we will be looking for people who are able to do more than one job .”
Despite high unemployment levels , recruiting for hotel work might be a challenge . “ Because hospitality as a whole has been so hard hit , many people who used to work in the industry , if they could , went to work elsewhere where they had more opportunity and stability ,” says Judy King , principal of Quality Management Services , an organizational development and training firm .
King says employers need to offer a sense of security and “ assurance that they are going to do everything possible to keep a person employed at a reasonable rate and for enough hours to make a living .”
A commitment like that has benefited CitizenM , which limited layoffs and maintained near-normal staffing levels through 2020 . “ We think those who have stayed with us are so appreciative that we ’ re hanging in as a company that they aren ’ t complaining at all — everyone is extremely cooperative , dedicated and involved ,” says Michael Levie , vice president of operations at the Amsterdam-based company .
January / February 2021 hotelsmag . com 19