HotelsMag April 2016 | Page 55

" I strIve to learn as much as I can whIle stayIng sIncere . I have learned to be confIdent In everythIng that I do , but also humble towards people I meet and patIent wIth whatever comes my way ."
Special RepoRt : Change Makers
David Amador , executive assistant manager of the rooms division at Shangri-La Hotel , Singapore . “ They are smart , experienced and always push me to my limits ,” she says . “ They are also tough on me when necessary and that ' s part of why they are the best at what they do .”
One of Han ’ s many goals is to be the greatest that she can be for the people around her . Her outgoing personality and natural desire to help others are important qualities in her professional life , but training such as the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications , a national continuing education and training program for adult workers in a wide range of industries , have proven valuable when interacting with “ difficult guests .” “ My passion for
" I strIve to learn as much as I can whIle stayIng sIncere . I have learned to be confIdent In everythIng that I do , but also humble towards people I meet and patIent wIth whatever comes my way ."
work , coupled with knowledge and the right training was what enabled me to make it to where I am today ,” she says .
Han represented the hotel in the country ’ s annual “ Receptionist of the Year ” competition . The experience , she says , boosted her confidence and helped her learn more about other cultures from fellow contestants from around the world .
Staying in her home country was an easy decision . “ Singapore is unique because it is one of the safest countries in the world and , despite our small size , we are exposed to many cultures and international events ,” she says . “ Travelers who visit have an extensive range of accommodation to choose from in a variety of different locales .”
On SingapOrE :
" Singapore is unique because it is one of the safest countries in the world and , despite our small size , we are exposed to many cultures and international events . Travelers who visit have an extensive range of accommodation to choose from in a variety of different locales ."
On famiLy :
" i was brought up in a nurturing and well-mannered family . my parents taught me that giving to others does not necessarily mean getting anything back in return . giving has to be from the heart ."
Learning how to say " thank you " in 10 languages .
Valley Wing deluxe guestroom in Shangri-La , Singapore www . hotelsmag . com April 2016 HOTELS 51