HotelsMag April 2015 | Page 49

Special RepoRt : Leadership
It ’ s about making an entire idea happen . This is truly hands-on design .”
As part of an in-house team , Charles and her designers get deeply involved in a new property ’ s design from day one . “ We have the opportunity to fall in love with a building in its raw state and truly understand it ,” she explains . “ We spend a lot of time walking these bare buildings and taking thousands of photographs . Most interior designers don ’ t get involved until the developer has already progressed quite far into the project .”
Charles credits her boss , Soho House Founder and CEO Nick Jones , as one of her greatest mentors in the design industry , identifying his creativity and tireless passion as his most admirable qualities . Charles also relies heavily on the operational staff during the design process and even after a property ’ s opening .
“ An AverAge chAir looks AmAzing on A greAt floor , or it becomes A bAd chAir on A bAd floor . it ’ s not just About the pretty colors . it ’ s About mAking An entire ideA hAppen . this is truly hAnds-on design .”
– Vicky charles
“ A design can work on paper but if it doesn ’ t work operationally , then it ’ s a waste of time ,” she says . “ We make mistakes on every single project , but we can correct these mistakes as we go . If a property is already open , we work with operations to observe how people are actually using the building to make tweaks when necessary .”
Among Charles ’ top priorities these days is designing children ’ s bunk beds for Soho House ’ s latest project , Farmhouse , in the Oxfordshire countryside . The development consists of about 30 guest cabins , each individually designed for kids , couples or other types of travelers .
Work isn ’ t the only place where Charles has kids on the mind . At her home in New York , Charles has two children , aged 3 and 5 , who , to Charles ’ delight , demand her uninterrupted attention outside of the office . “ You can usually find me working late at night after putting the kids to bed ,” she says . “ This is when I do my best creative thinking . Everything is quiet . Everyone is sleeping , and I can think .”
Charles ’ advice for designers aspiring to find similar success is simple . “ You have to love what you do ,” she says . “ I ’ ve never once been bored .”
A recent project for Charles was the Soho House Toronto . Along with her in-house design team , Charles restored one of Toronto ’ s first hotels , dating back to the
1800s , from top to bottom .
www . hotelsmag . com April 2015 HOTELS 47