HOTELIER Magazine 3rd Issue (English) | Page 7

P h oto : M o sc ow M ar r iott H otel N o vy A r b at qualities of employees. In my experience, I can say that even if you take a non-experienced line employee and you put them under the wing of a great execu- tive, these employees will make miracles happen. I would say the first and the most important quality is “leading by example” or “walking the talk.” Here passion, honesty, and integ- rity play a huge role. As a leader, most of your job is to inspire team members to push themselves, to do their best and to grow. You cannot do this with- out passion, integrity, and hon- esty. You cannot do this if you are not doing it yourself already. For example, I am a very passion- ate and demanding manager, but also, I am very demanding to myself as well. For me, there is no big difference between lead- ing your children at home and your employees at work. Children will not do what you say but will do what they see you are doing. Secondly, I would say creativity and being a great communica- tor are important qualities. If you want to be ahead in today’s VUCA world, you must be creative and innovative at the same time. Creative thinking and constant innovation are what make you and your team stand out. Use the trial and error system because if you wait too long to get to the perfect state, it’s going to be late already. Most importantly, you need to improve throughout the process. On the other side, what I regularly see happening is that the leader’s vision, innova- tion, and the idea of where we want to be is not clearly commu- nicated to the team members. So, the team feels lost and does not work at the highest perfor- mance level. Therefore, learn to be a great, transparent communica- tor. Don’t forget that words have the power to motivate people and make them do the unthinkable. Thirdly, I would mention empa- thy and empowerment. The time of the dictatorial style of leader- ship is long time over. Developing closer connections with your employees, understanding their problems and feeling them is a great way of improving perfor- mance. Setting standards and principles of behavior help a lot. At the end of the day, employees are not robots, even robots break down sometimes so develop your empathy to the level where you will be able to feel your employ- ees without even asking a ques- tion. And the last but not the least quality I would mention is empowerment. As they say, “If you want to go alone, go fast; if you want to go far, go together” Empower your employees, give them tasks, mentor and coach them. If you continue to micro- manage your team, it will develop a lack of trust. Give them a chance to be responsible by providing them with all the resources and support they need to achieve the objective. If they make a mistake, take responsibility and continu- ously improve the skills of your team. You also do a lot of busi- ness training all over the world for different companies. What are the main topics that hotels want trainings for their staff? es, that’s true. There are 10 countries on my list for now. Mostly hotels but also a lot of other industries that believe they can improve service in their com- panies, such as banks, retail, and pharmaceutical companies. The most popular topic is develop- ing leadership skills, followed by service excellence, where we work on conflict prevention, empathy, love for yourself and others, etc. There are also requests for sales training but I always say, “learn to keep and satisfy your cur- rent clients and they will bring new once” There is no point in teaching selling skills when your employees do not have the basic communication skills to provide outstanding service. Also, here I would mention the importance of implementing blended learning for the best results. Blended learning is a mix of traditional face-to-face educa- tion and mobile education. There are many mobile applications but the one I personally recom- mend is Service Guru. It is a mix of education, communication, and motivation. What I find very interesting is that if other industries understand the complexity of the problem and ask for a long-term strategy, our hospitality industry is still trying to solve the issues with a pill (one- time training). When I talk about service strategies, they seem to not realize the potential they must work on in the long term, rather than operating just from today to tomorrow. Y HOTELIER • • 7