HOTELIER Magazine 2nd issue - English | Page 21

team designs and develop websites for hotels. We work directly with the client to design the website from scratch and make sure it fits with the hotel’s image and is user-friendly to attract more direct bookings. Can you give us some insights on providing outsourcing services to hotels? Are there any challenges that parties may face while providing services or using an outsourcing company? W orking with various hotels of different sizes, brands, cultures, and locations have been an exciting journey for all of us at Stelloire. With each unique hotel, we take the time and effort to thoroughly learn the needs of each property, their marketing goals and provide a personalized and tailored service just for them. Often hotels worry that by outsourcing their digital marketing they will lose their brand image due to lack of control. However, it is evident that there are scenarios that outsourcing with us is the best option. As a Hotel Digital Marketing Agency, Stelloire is proud of its exceptional customer service, flexibility and personal touch with every single client. We are here to meet their needs, provide full transparency by maintaining constant communication and establish long-term relationships. Getting digital marketing right is time-consuming and therefore, outsourcing comes in handy as a spare workforce to manage this whilst allowing a hotel to focus on other areas of its business. In the long run, through strategic and careful outsourcing, Stelloire can support a hotel to save time, reduce errors, retain consistency and gain access to skilled expertise in the field of digital marketing and hospitality. What are the main points that hoteliers need to pay attention to while creating their marketing strategy online or while looking for a digital media company? W hile creating a digital marketing strategy, hotelier’s need to plan in a monthly and annual manner and base it on their long-term business goals. First, upcoming holidays, local celebrations and special events need to be emphasized through unique digital marketing campaigns created to drive traffic to a hotel’s page. Second, the digital marketing strategy should align with the needs of a hotel, and support traditional marketing through the means of the digital world. For example, special offers should not only be advertised through print advertising but through social media as well. Third, hoteliers need to devote time, expertise and attention to detail for a successful digital marketing service offering, as there is no room for mistakes in a fast-paced world. While looking for a digital marketing agency, when it comes to the hospitality world, the knowledge of marketing is not enough. Effectively advertising a hotel is not the same as running marketing campaigns for a fashion or food brand. This is why our in-depth understanding of hotels makes us different. Specializing uniquely in hotels, restaurants, bars and all other hospitality businesses worldwide, we have the education and expertise to transform a hotel’s online brand image and meet its demands. We know that a hotel’s number one goal is to increase direct bookings and through tailor-made marketing strategies, we reach their target audiences, distinguish them from the competition and create a hotel’s luxury story online.