Reports show 84% of people place online requirements set out by the AA, you can
single region. Even within the UK, a hotel reviews on the same level of trust as see the standards the hotel had to achieve
may have an AA two-star rating, but a tour a recommendation from a friend. As to be granted not only entry to the star
operator may advertise it as three-stars mentioned at the start of this article, one of system at all, but the star level they have
based on their own rating system. the main ways potential guests scout out achieved. For example, the AA has rated
hotels is to look on TripAdvisor, meaning The Majestic Hotel as a four-star hotel.
The issue is present even within a
FIRST-HAND EXPERIENCE they are placing a lot of value in the ratings
With the star-rating system failing on a few there compared to the star-rating of a hotel.
You can take this and check their
Common Quality Standard to find out that
this means the hotel must provide such
fronts, more and more people are looking
for guest reviews in their stead. Plus, it THE PROBLEM OF REVIEWS things as televisions with a screen larger
seems there is an increasing level of trust Of course, that trust isn’t always well- than 24 inches, and a high degree of
in those online review and ratings. placed. It is as relevant now as it was in spaciousness within the rooms.
This hasn’t always been the case.
2009; we simply do not know much about
With this, you have a basic foundation
Back in 2009, C. Cox et al noted that while the person who rates or reviews a hotel of expectation from the hotel. From there,
95% of internet users at the time relied on TripAdvisor and the like. In fact, there’s a look at guest reviews can help to cement
on online research as part of their travel even a ‘fake review’ market present in the an idea of the experience, but with caution
information search process, few were digital world that is said to be able to get for the above-mentioned flaws for the
actively trusting them as a primary means around the detection processes in place. online review process.
of gauging a hotel’s quality. This was So much so that one man managed to get At the end of the day, it’s all about
deemed to be because ‘[it] is not always a restaurant that doesn’t exist rated as the balancing the ratings and reviews you find
easy to identify and access the profile top restaurant in London. in your research. Approached the right way,
they can provide a keen insight into your
of people who post information on blogs
and other social networking sites, [so] the WHAT SHOULD WE PUT MORE VALUE IN? potential booking. Just remember to check
reader cannot easily gauge the credibility If you can clearly find the AA star-rating which stars are being shown!
of the information provided’ (pg. 749). for a hotel, this is a great way to see the
Some 10 years later and we’re far
more trusting of words we see online.
February 2019
minimum requirement the establishment Author: Amy Hodgetts,
will offer. By checking the minimum copywriter at Mediaworks