CLOSING THOUGHTS to. We have an arabic quote, which wishes to continue to be a “great role
Al Mazrou thinks women have to believe translates to ‘the more you work, the model for other Saudi women”, and set
more in themselves and their capability. more you get’.” She hopes to eventually “a good example for them so they can
“You have to work to prove that you become a GM for a British hotel in Saudi achieve even more than what they are
deserve the position you are aspiring Arabia, and concludes by saying she doing now.”
BACK IN THE UK adds. McMillan says that there is this there are inherent strengths women have
Closer to home in the UK, Jacqui McMillan assumption that GM of Canary Wharf such as the ability to “better engage with
is also a member of the Accor’s ‘RiiSE’ “should be a man in a shirt and tie”, so their male and female staff”. She can
scheme, and is based in the “male- high end contractors looking to work with also tell when she walks into a hotel if
dominated environment” of Canary Wharf. the the business often “get a shock”. the property is managed by a man or a
McMillan originally began her career with
This is just one of the challenges she
woman. She adds with a laugh: “You can
AccorHotels as a rooms division manager says women in leadership roles can face tell immediately, and I am not the only
at Novotel Glasgow in 2000 and has also in the UK, and recalls two years of her one who thinks this.” Attention to detail
held general manager positions at Ibis career when she was working in London is one of “strengths that we have as
Glasgow City, Novotel Glasgow, Novotel for Accor as one of the only female women”. “I think we can see things that
Bristol and Novotel Reading and recently GMs in the mid-scale sector. She notes other people don’t, and it’s not just about
as GM of Novotel London Blackfriars. that this made things “very interesting something being pretty.”
Having worked in Canary Wharf since
in meetings”, as it could be a “genuine
Is being done by the hospitality
April of 2018 she notes that due to the challenge at times to be heard as a industry to appoint women to leadership
“nature of the businesses that are here” woman”. “When you are in a room with role? “We are getting there, but a lot of
some guests and business people she 14 guys they can be just like peacocks. companies still have a long way to go.”
meets “assume they are going to meet Whereas for women you tend to sit back However, she says this shouldn’t stop
a man”. “I have walked down to say hello just a little bit more, but in turn are able anyone, and it is always about “pushing
and introduce myself to them you can to listen more. We don’t need to be the yourself” and “never being afraid of
actually this look on their face which loudest person in the room.” doing something that you don’t think you
is like ‘oh really, you’re the GM?’,” she
However, McMillan is adamant that
can do”.
Jacqui Mcmillan
December 2018