Hot As Health Magazine January/February 2017 | Page 32

ferences a year , and I ’ m a crazy note taker . I love going back over and reading things and learning things and meditating on what I learned , praying about what I have learned , asking if it should go in my “ I know ” box or “ it ’ s just a good idea to put on the shelf ” box .
D - So what ’ s your history then ? You kind of started with a little more of the physical aspect , creative healing and such , and then it has kind of developed ... If you had to give it a timeline , how would you describe getting from there to where you are now ?
K - Well , I ’ ve always had a designated healing room in my home , whatever home I live in . At first we used it for massage a lot , and then I focused more on creative healing . I like to work with the emotional body , I don ’ t like people leaving and feeling awesome for a week and then they feel like crap and they need to come see me again . I want people to actually heal from the cellular level , the mental level , everything . So creative healing is a lot more effective at that . I just started to naturally integrate energy work and belief breakthrough work into creative healing . and that got really fun , to see people ’ s lives start changing from coming to get work done , and have clients that I ’ ve had for the last six years that still drive to Logan to come see me from Salt Lake .
D – You are a Reiki practitioner since last year . Define Reiki . I ’ m sure many people don ’ t know much about that until now .
K - Reiki is an ancient healing art from China . It deals with clearing chakras , our energy centers in the body that hold emotions and also thought patterns , and increasing and directing life force energy into those spaces instead .
D – Fascinating . Define belief breakthrough .
K - Belief breakthrough is re-patterning your thoughts from negative thoughts to positive thoughts . It ’ s getting to the root of why you do what you do . Rooting out your thought patterns you have been basing your choices on at an unconscious level . Belief breakthrough really works with peoples ’ subconscious minds and help them start manifesting
ferences a year , and I ’ m a crazy note taker . I love going back over and reading things and learning things and meditating on what I learned , praying about what I have learned , asking if it should go in my “ I know ” box or “ it ’ s just a good idea to put on the shelf ” box .
D - So what ’ s your history then ? You kind of started with a little more of the physical aspect , creative healing and such , and then it has kind of developed ... If you had to give it a timeline , how would you describe getting from there to where you are now ?
K - Well , I ’ ve always had a designated healing room in my home , whatever home I live in . At first we used it for massage a lot , and then I focused more on creative healing . I like to work with the emotional body , I don ’ t like people leaving and feeling awesome for a week and then they feel like crap and they need to come see me again . I want people to actually heal from the cellular level , the mental level , everything . So creative healing is a lot more effective at that . I just started to naturally integrate energy work and belief breakthrough work into creative healing . and that got really fun , to see people ’ s lives start changing from coming to get work done , and have clients that I ’ ve had for the last six years that still drive to Logan to come see me from Salt Lake .
D – You are a Reiki practitioner since last year . Define Reiki . I ’ m sure many people don ’ t know much about that until now .
K - Reiki is an ancient healing art from China . It deals with clearing chakras , our energy centers in the body that hold emotions and also thought patterns , and increasing and directing life force energy into those spaces instead .
D – Fascinating . Define belief breakthrough .
K - Belief breakthrough is re-patterning your thoughts from negative thoughts to positive thoughts . It ’ s getting to the root of why you do what you do . Rooting out your thought patterns you have been basing your choices on at an unconscious level . Belief breakthrough really works with peoples ’ subconscious minds and help them start manifesting
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