HORIZONS MAY/JUNE 2018 | Page 21

SECTION TWO when the steps are consumed visually. The mind is such an incredible thing! Today, we have the added need for speedier communication. The kids seems to show us the way, even the little kids. My point is that we have a choice of methods for placing our outdoor messages and story creations. We get to choose who we connect with and where; be that friends, family, or the general outdoor public Sponsors and advertisers that pay our outdoor communicator salaries would like to know how many viewers our work is attracting. Today, we can tell them how many, where they are from and what the viewers like outside of the story, or the video we provide. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, the internet, you and me. Together we are part of the new outdoor communications world. Sure, the transition has been painful for silvered, mature writers in industries like conservation, f ishing, hunting, and recruiting young people into the outdoors and much more. But, if we haven’t already, we need to lace up the bootstraps and navigate the transition. ### Big brother is alive with the internet like it, or not. The analytic services available are counting and measuring us, and for us. HORIZONS | 17