If this event was to be repeated, the biggest improvement that could be made is to the marketing strategy. By marketing earlier on a mixture of platforms, along with face to face marketing to locals in pubs/bars or through sponsors, it can be suggested that awareness for the event would be greatly improved, resulting in higher attendee numbers. By utilising Roundabout's connections, VERTIAS would be able to reach a wider audience that already have an interest in the charity. Local businesses could also be targeted, offering the event as a work social to bring colleagues closer together at a low expense to the business.
By allocating more time to finding sponsors and promoting the JustGiving page, the financial ratio would be greatly improved. This would allow VERTIAS to invest more in decorations for the room, e.g. table decorations and photo props to improve the overall event experience. The possibility of introducing a dress code could be considered, to tie in with the race night theme.
Different types of races could also be shown, e.g. dog racing to give the event variety and provide a different experience to attendees. An investment could also be made into a computerised tote system, which is the system used at actual races to contribute towards the feel of being at the races.
Finally, additional and bigger fundraising events could be implemented to increase awareness of the event, sell paper tickets and raise more money and awareness for Roundabout. E.g., taking part in the Roundabout sleep out would provide initial start-up funds to be used in higher quality, professional marketing material or securing venues and equipment earlier, to allow more time to complete other tasks.