Hoops Elite Magazine - Issue 2 | Page 5

HOOPS ELITE MAGAZINE THE IMPORTANCE OF BECOMING A CERTIFIED COACH Bridgett “Bree” King In today’s society, there is a lot of emphasis placed upon careers that have a foundation in possessing a degree or certification of some kind. A person with “alphabets” behind their name is respected more than someone who does not. So, if we respect those who took the time to educate themselves to be labeled “M.D.”, “J.D.” or “R.N.” to aid us in going out our everyday lives, why not take the time as a coach to get the credentials to show your parents and your colleagues in the Youth Sports industry that you are serious about coaching America’s youth? “WHY IS A COACHING CERTIFICATION NEEDED? I HAVE BEEN COACHING FOR YEARS!” In this day and time, simply stating that you played sports all the way through college, or even professionally, no longer is enough. It has been proven time and again that just because one played a sport does not mean that one can coach said sport. How many professional athletes have thrown their hats into the coaching arena and realized that they were in over their heads and have either quit coaching altogether or were fired after their first or second season of coaching? Enough to know that coaching is not as easy and it sounds. Coaching sports at any level is hard work. Some might even say that coaching children is harder than coaching college- and professional-level athletes. Why? Coaching encompasses so much more than devising plays for games and creating drills for practice, and when dealing with children, there is the 5 | Issue 2 - March 2015 added stressor of dealing with the behaviors that immaturity and early-stage child development brings upon. There are several sports coaching certifications that Youth Sports Coaches can obtain and you can find information on certifying on their per