Most know of AJ Hoggard if you have been keeping
up with elite players in the youth basketball scene.
Hoops Elite Magazine got the opportunity to chat
with his dad on basketball and AJ’s future.
1. Tell us a little bit about how you started off teaching
AJ the game?
AJ played in the YMCA Recreation League at the age of 5
and there was a kid by the name of Kamau Brickus that was
amazing. So that summer, I decided to put AJ in the lab and
started teaching him that game of basketball.
2. What is your most memorable moment in AJ’s earliest
Finishing 9th in the country.
3. What are the good, bad and ugly of basketball teachings with young players today and how do you see the
game progressing in the next five years?
The Good…the kids get to travel all over the country and
play the best kids. The bad…coaches that don’t really coach
the fundamentals of the game for the players to get better.
They don’t focus on the correct training and put the importance on what is needed to develop a player. And the ugly…
the parents.
4. As a father, how are the rides home when AJ plays
poorly and when he has a great game?
The bad games used to be tough, but now, in good and bad
games, he wants to know how to get better and what he
could have done. He strives for perfection in wins and losses.
4 | Issue 2 - March 2015
5. What are your plans for AJ this summer and what do you
feel he needs really work on this summer ?
This summer, AJ will play with Coach Webb at Slam City. I chose
him because of his training regimen and how he can help improve AJ’s conditioning and jump shot.
6. Who would you say AJ’s style in play most resembles in
the NBA?
He is a crafty, strong guard, so I would say someone like Chauncey
Billups or Deron Williams.
7. Where can coaches and readers look to see AJ this summer ?
He will be everywhere.
8. What programs do you recommend to readers based on
your experiences .. Give at least 3…
Haven’t played for that many to give a honest opinion.